June 12th Weekly Work Log v.2

Session Number:6
Week Number:2
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5 hrs
What is/was your overall goal for this week? Get late work done.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time SpentWas / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
6/12Make Linked In Profile.1 hr. Yes, it is due on Wednesday.
6/13 Finish Linked In Profile.1 hr.  Yes, it is due on Wednesday.
 6/14 Linked in last touches. 1 hr. Yes, some things needed to be more professional.
 6/15Recommendation writing.  1 hr. Yes, it is due by the end of today.
6/16  Other class work. 1 hr. Yes, I have a presentation I have to make for 3rd period, due today.

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Remember reflecting on your own choices and work can help you improve both. Are there any other comments you would like to include for your own reflection? If so, please enter them here: 

June 5th Weekly Work Log v.2

Session Number:6
Week Number:1
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 
What is/was your overall goal for this week? Make a beat in GarageBand

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time SpentWas / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
6/5Get accustomed to Garage band.1 hr.Yes, I need to know where things are to make a beat efficiently.
6/6Choosing garage band instruments.1 hr.Yes, I need to know what type of beat im going to make.
6/7Make drum beat.30 min..Yes, the beat sets the tone for the track.
6/8Finish drum beat.1 hr.Yes, the beat sets the tone for the track.
 6/9 Finish drum beat. 1 hr. Yes, I needed to finish it from yesterday.

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Remember reflecting on your own choices and work can help you improve both. Are there any other comments you would like to include for your own reflection? If so, please enter them here: